Thursday, July 31, 2008

Growing in the garden

Ok, so i keep talking about my fruits and veggies, but i thought it was time to finally walk around the yard and take some pictures of them.  So here are a few of the little babies i've been spending so much time with.
soon, edamame will be "fresh" on hand 

you say tomato, i say yes

he may not look like much right now, but he has several siblings and will be a japanese cucumber soon

baby bell pepper

these may be my favorites, watermelon.  i love how they look like mini watermelons ( i guess thats a given).  The golf ball is there for scale.  if i figure out how to grow those though, i'll let you know dad.

every parent deserves to brag about their kids sometimes...

Monday, July 28, 2008

little house on the gulch

So the other day, we were sitting in the living room and brooks said something like
'this is great and I'm exited but, where are we going to put her?'
"PUT her?" i said?
figured out he was talking about where to "put" the baby....

we've been trying to figure that out ever since. We LOVE our little house. its pretty, quiet, and cute, but it is really small. 2 bedrooms and one is presently the office. so i've been putting all my "skinny" clothes, aka sausage casings, in big bin/boxes and downstairs in the storage room thing, not like that will really help, i just dont know what else to do. I hope i see those clothes again soon. All thats left for me up in the accessible areas is maternity clothes- very strange. (i still wake up sometimes and think, because of a kick or acid reflux or a back spasm-fun- oh yeah, im pregnant. i think it will finally hit me when she gets here and i'm looking for a place to put her).

anywho, brooks has been a bit more proactive. In the time it took me to do the dishes the other day, he made a couch. nothing fancy but its perfect. (so a bed goes to the office--visiting moms and such-- and a permanant couch form for the futon in the living room).
I love that:
-he knows how to build things
-at any given time he can go outside and find usable wood and screws
-he does all the math in his head (fractions and conversions and the like)
-he has tools at hand when he decides we need in a new piece of furniture, in 20 minutes or less.

I finished the dishes and even had time to document the magic.

isn't he cute?

Sunday, July 27, 2008

betty crocker hines

i made this- sortof. I've made carrot cake from scratch a few times and while its really good, and can be a fun labor of love, i may have to change things a little. I was in the baking section of the grocery store and saw BOX CARROT CAKE!! I couldn't believe it. I whipped it right up with some cream cheese frosting and there we go.
i am my mother's daughter.
thought i'd add a little suzy home maker touch with some food coloring. the carrot, i did myself.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

P.S. re 8035sw

I don't mean to sound like a downer. I am sure that whereever the new house is and when ever we will be there, it will be "home" to many new wonderful memories, warm cozies, and new sets little feet running around, family and friends surrounding birthday cakes, and heart warming fights among siblings =). Cheers.

from my house to my house

Last night, my mom and dad spent their last night at 8035 sw 98th terrace. Almost 33 years in that house. its unbelievable that going "home" will no longer be to that cozy, happy place.

Yikes, this is too sad for me to talk about, think about, or write about. its hard enough trying to imagine not dialing 3052714614 anymore. So, i thought i'd have something happy in this little blog here, from our house =).

This is our mantle. Yes, we have a fireplace! No, we've never used it (brooks said it will fill the house with smoke--to which i asked what then was the chimney for--to which i got no answer. go figure). Not to worry though, because this preggo wants nothing to do with heat, fire, or potential smoke in any way, shape, or form. I day dream of glaciers and chattering teeth. its so HOT here.

This preggo also rambles, in case you hadn't noticed, or even if you had. i'm just acknowledging it here.

These lovely roses were grown in our garden. Mom: remember when you bought me this little lady in Milwaukee? Its one of my favorite vases. i can change her hat but cutting flowers... like a mr potato head (that is living, female, and interchangeable parts that are grown separately... or something). AND, milwaukee means she has survived 3 moves. See, i can hold and transport something without dropping or breaking it =). Good news for baby girl.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

its 4 am

so, its about 4 in the a.m. i woke up at about 1. this seems to be the normal thing for me these days. usually i've fallen back asleep by now, but, what can you do?
i thought i would "do" a blog. its been a while and i need to catch up. i've been blog-lazy lately, kindof like 'if you don't have anything nice [or of substance] to say, don't say anything at all'. well, like i said, its 4 and chester and i are bored.

so these are my strawberries. everyday there are a good handful ready to go. i slice them for my cereal or just for little snacks. good for me, bggibson, and our carbon footprint. we have A LOT of edibles growing these days. fruits, vegies, herbs. its good stuff. more to come on that. try to contain yourselves.

have a lovely day!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Here Comes the Bride

and how could I forget:
Happy Wedding Day to Cousin PeterSean and Melissa!! Welcome to the farkle family

growing and growing and growing....

look at what our new lens can do--its a fish eye

you all must be very loved for me to keep putting up these pictures of myself where anyone can see them. These pictures might start being fewer and farther between in the coming months =)

i can still see my feet. for now..

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Or actually, the computer is back. We've been here, worried sick while the little machine was in the hospital, aka the MAC store. All is well now. This will be short. I just wanted to let everyone know that i'm still here and will blog again soon. For now, we have a little catching up to do with emails and wedding pictures and stuff like that.

ps brooks says his sweat only smells when he's stressed out. Just thought everyone should know =)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A guilty pleasure

Its a little embarassing, but I don't care.

I watched this season of the Bachelorette. The scary part is that somehow i actually CARED. The season finale was last night and (SPOILER ALERT) Jessie the snowboarder won, and the 2 are engaged (in real life too!! for now, at least). I really liked the single did from seatle but jessie was my favorite from the beginning. No, to all of you reading this, I hate to say it, but I'm not joking. Since I've been sick and you can watch any TV show online these days, it was probably bound to happen.

Last night, I told brooks the finale was coming on, and after explaining a few simple rules to him (mostly: no-talking-or-making-fun-of-it-unless-its-a-commercial type stuff), HE, of his own will decided he wanted to watch it with me.
You know how on these types of shows, they try to up the drama and cheese with, "previously on the bachelorette...", followed by a long recap of the prior week's episode? Brooks didn't last through that recap. He said he couldn't handle it. thought you all might enjoy that.

So, to go with the cheesy show, ending and fluff of it all, I found you, my loyal readers an aptly and equally cheesy video from you tube. Enjoy, if you can handle it. I didn't even make it through this whole thing...

Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Brother Josh!

Sorry I've been slacking on the blog lately. I'm using the sick card on this one. Not only because i'm...sick and feel like pooh, but also, i've been doing nothing, really, except working on getting better (so far to no avail), so there really isn't much news around here. But heres a short list of updates:

- its my brother josh's birthday-- yay. i'll be giving him a call after i save up some voice
- brooks got in a fight, and you should see the other guy, (the other guy is a sawhorse that didnt feel like getting in the van) but he is healing nicely. His "shiner" is almost gone and theres just a little scab where the gaping wound was =). He looks really tough.
- i love ice cream
- i'm hoping they found a sub to be the school nurse, but i feel too bad too call and ask. Plus, i don't want to talk if i dont have to.
- my parents sold the house =(.
- i REALLY can't think of anything else =)

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Brooks has been sick for about 2 weeks- fluish, coldish, you know. I don't "catch" things. I don't worry about sharing water glasses and all that stuff. I don't even worry about being a school nurse with sniffly, feverish kids all day-- until now. Did you know that pregnany lowers your immune system? I just found that out.
The nurse had to call in sick yesterday and today. Someone is covering me for my home health job. I have a very small amount of voice left and usually save it for phone calls, to the school, for example. All the vitamins (i'm chugging C), cough drops and the variety of medicine i can take (acetaminophine.) aren't working yet. This is the first time, in the 4 1/2 years i've known him, that brooks has seen me with a cold. crazy, huh? I'm just hoping this isn't strep...i check a few times a day for those tell tale little white patches in my throat. so far, so swollen, and without patches.
Even though Brooks is sick too, he made his outrageously comforting, hearty, warm, perfect, aromatheraputic chicken soup last night. SO good, its ridiculous...he does it right. it takes about a day and a half to make and literally makes you fell better instantly. If only I could get it in IV form. He used two chickens this time, so there are leftovers that shall be breakfast.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Tuesday, bloody tuesday

I should watch what I wish for. Its been busy, and I need a nap =).