Wednesday, August 20, 2008


The yard babies were jealous that i didn't post a recent picture of them too =).  We "harvested" our first watermelon yesterday (exciting) and some tomatoes (3 to be exact) and a green bell pepper (1).  I have yet to slice anything open though.  I don't know why.  i just keep arranging the home grown produce in little towers and pyramids.  its fun.   I'll let  you know when we actually eat this stuff--that is the point, right? 
The little guy on the right is a cantaloupe.  He's about three golf balls tall and two wide.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


So here's the torso. thats all you get) Brooks took this 3 days ago i think, and i feel like i already look a lot bigger than this.  Ah... the skinny days.

So, i'm walking around like this and I obviously know I'm pregnant, but when i see a picture like this, or read about labor and delivery experiences, or and agonize over strollers, carseats, etc, i'm reminded what my body is doing and what I get in the end for it.  Can't wait for that "end".  

And speaking of walking around, i think its starting to turn into a waddle.  yikes.

But anyway, I like the little "reminders" that I'm pregnant, even if they are a little embarrassing.  I watched a rerun of 90210 yesterday and it made me cry tears of joy.  TWICE.  Granted, it was the show's final episode, but yep, i'm pregnant.

Friday, August 15, 2008


OK, last night was so fun. Although, i AM still a little pissed about the scheduling. they KNOW people either try to stay up and fail or try to stay up and succeed, having a good nights sleep (but whats that anyway) fail them. Whatever. No need to complain. No one cares.

OK, so its hard to stay in the loop with gymnastics these days. As my dad always says, "you gotta want it", and while i do want to know how the gymnastics world is turning, its hard to keep up with trying to keep up. When i was younger and really "wanted it", i seemed to find EVERY broadcasted meet and could schedule life around that. But these know.
So brooks and I have been watching since whatever the meet was that happened right before the trials. The best part is that we had picked nastia liukin as our favorite from the get go. This new tree trunk power house gymnast norm has sortof gotten to me. i liked Nastia cause she looks slightly feminine, and she takes those opportunities to dance, a little. I guess i just think she's graceful. Plus her bar routines are ridiculous.

And graceful won! And Shawn Johnson, god love her, got silver. I have to admit, Brooks and I both sort of thought she was annoying (that voice) and UNgraceful (tree trunked powerhouse). But she turned out to show her own kind of grace. She was favorited as you all may know, and it seemed she knew it better than anyone. All the commercials and vignettes with her mug and voice. i thought/assumed when she was shaping up to get the silver that she'd not be the best of sports, but she was gracious and happy and, i must say, a little cute.

But my absolute favorite part of the gymnastics coverage last night was Bella Karolyi, everything about it, and every time they showed him. The proverbial "whirling dervish" did NOT let down. I've always loved him. I think last night, he reached a new place in my heart.

Watch this:  its worth it.


Anyway, i tend to ramble these days,even more tahn usual. i think pregnancy brain (for me specifically, losing trains of thought and a miniscule attention span) is to blame. So, i'm sorry for all the tangents. Thanks for reading these messes.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Lets Hear it for the Boys

Kevin Tan, Justin Spring, Jonathan Horton, Joey <span class=
I don't think men's gymnastics ever gets enough credit.  Maybe now they will.  Ah, but probably not. Anyway, last night's Olympics were so fun to watch.  I'm sure you've all heard the background story but, to recap:

both of the Hann brothers who were the golden boys for the mens olympic team got injured and had to be scratched from the games on pretty short notice.   So everyone sortof gave up on our team this year.  But two alternates who were crushed that they'd failed to make the team got a second chance and at none other than the olympics!
I've watched every vignette on the subject and the lucky boys who got their second chance were so excited and humble and thrilled.
The ultimate underdog story.

So, they did incredible. They nailed almost everything, and were actually in place for team silver, with a shred of possibility to beat china and win the gold, but only for a couple seconds. 

Anyway, their last event, pommel horse, did them in.  the first 2 guys sortof blew their routines, but our third and final guy had a beautiful routine. Quite a disney-movie-esque nail biter,  but in the end, our boys won BRONZE.  The best part of it is that from the celebration and emotion, you'd think they won gold.  The Japanese, disappointed in themselves with silver, but with a  'thank god they didn't have to suffer the embarrassment of bronze' expression, looked relieved.  The chinese with gold, looked sortof like, "whew", winning as they expected they would, but pretty cheerfully, I'll give them that. 

I just loved our USA team being SO happy with third place.  

And yes, they are tough, strong, muscle men, but Brooks and I did have to let out a couple giggles as these small headed unitard wearing guys yelled out things like "thats how we do it" and "yaya baby" in high squeaky prepubescent voices. 

Sunday, August 10, 2008


I can't believe its been a week since my last entry.  Sorry about that.  I've exhausted myself trying not to exhaust myself =).
I am getting past it, but the computer and I have had a bumpy road.  On two occasions,  I tried to post a cute little story about free flowers from a wedding that I didn't even work (brooks brought them home).  I had pictures showing my creative prowess, the only prowess I possess these days, of arrangements and flower touches on every surface in the house.  It looked like a garden threw up in here.  
Anyway, I prepared a photographic display of all this to showoff to you, and like i said, twice, i failed.  the computer (its new, and is the so-called best thing in the world, this mac pro thing) kept taking a nap when i had finished and was ready to "publish" my post, complete with an explanation, many pictures, and clever captions for each.  Its explanation: "an error occurred while..."   Really??  Shocking  Needless to say, i spent some time on this and have become frustrated.  Maybe the degree of frustration has something to do with pregnancy hormones but so be it.  And yes, i realize that there are bigger, much bigger, problems in the world; i just thought i'd take the opportunity to vent.  
This happened so long ago that the flowers have already been trashed and replaced with the home grown stuff.  I've given up on showing them off.  Its the thought that counts so I'm relaying the thought and explaining my week long hiatus. 
It seems I'll have even MORE time on my hands these days- a story for another blog (AND i have to keep you interested-did it work)- so i'll be checking in again sooner rather than later.
Merry Monday to all and to all a good week!

Sunday, August 3, 2008


its sunday, 4:15 pm.  We haven't left the house all day.  We are talking about going to the grocery store to get the necessaries to make a steak 'n taters dinner, and stopping by movie gallery for tonight's entertainment.  Its been raining for the last few hours.  I couldn't have planned it better.
oh, and we woke up to the redsox game, which we won =)

Friday, August 1, 2008

manny being a dodger

manny ramirez is no longer a red sox man.  there's been a lot in the news about him recently, and the trade is not a surprise but it hasn't sunk in to my thick skull yet.  He plays his first game for them today (he's going to wear #99- weird) and jason bay plays his first game for/as us today. 

the redsox game is starting now. so, im gonna go watch it, and welcome our new outfielder.  this is very strange.

thats all i have to say about that, as i wait for this to digest.

happy friday