Saturday, March 27, 2010


i am not a fan of "w'. That being said, and though its not a funny situation they're in, this gave me a good laugh:

Bush wipes his hand
While visiting Haiti and doing their best to raise awareness for the victims of the recent earthquake, former Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton found themselves in a bit of an awkward situation. After greeting locals and shaking hands, Bush appeared to wipe his hand on Clinton's sleeve. Searches roared on "bush wipes hand on clinton," a search term that one doesn't see every day. Was Bush really wiping his hand on a fellow former president? It could very well have just been an extended tap on the shoulder — nobody seems to know for sure. Below, a clip of the gesture. You be the judge.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

is it just us...

or does it feel like spring has sprung?

Monday, March 8, 2010

and another important day

Brooks Birthday happened on March 3rd! (chester's too of course) and silly me, i don't have too many pictures to show for it. it was a busy week, people were sick, the cake was subpar although still made with love, but anyway...
i DID manage to get these important shots. not only do they star our favorite fashion plate but those loyal readers with a photographic memory may notice (and this would be INCREDIBLE if you did) that she's wearing the same "I <3 dad" T-shirt as she did on brooks birthday a YEAR ago-- not normal for a baby. but hey, at least we're getting a lot of wear out of her clothes!! as i like to say, her is a peanut.

(i don't want to take away from brooks' thunder, hence the parentheses, but Naia also "turned" 16 months on the 5th.... and she has been busy with learning, growing, and other various antics... i feel an update list coming. stay tuned)

just a thursday

naia and her cousin austin play a lot. thursdays are the norm and usually a little mischief on the weekend... here is a video from a recent thursday. nothing extraordinary here, just a taste of the way they roll.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Happy Birthday to the "B" of WANDB

Happy Birthday Brooks!
...and chester too, who is 10
unfortunately i don't have any special pictures or creative blog for the occasion.... but thats mostly because naia and i want to spend our time partying with the birthday boys! i'm going to get back to that! cheers.