if a picture is worth a thousand words, then 5 videos might be too much of a good thing. oh well...there are some actual words at the bottom of this post =)
i think this is just so cute.
if i'd known that her second "dive" would involve an actual jump, i would've taken a video of THAT too. but isn't it better to know you're watching naia's first ever diving board "experience"? Thats her sweet teacher on the board with her and brooksie in the water.
this next one is a little long but look at that girl go! kicking and moving...
here's naia being naia. sorry if the end is dizzying.
counting and stuff
how about a few naia tidbits?!
* thinks its hilarious to call chester a weirdo. she's right though.
* has been joining brooks and I in the hunt for the perfect preschool. (she's giving us her opinions and its been a big help. this school stuff is no joke. she'll start this september, but we're tossing around the idea of a tiny intro this summer because she's SO ready for it.)
* loves horses, calls them "neigh neighs", and got a new/old one. She got her mama's old childhood rocking horse that grandma has saved all these years-- thank you mom! (i'm making a mental note to get a picture of that to put up here). meanwhile, she's saving up (real money) for a REAL horse and says she'll by it "soon". and i think there's not enough room for her toys NOW....
* loves singing and is getting pretty good at it. she definitely holds a tune better than i do. her aunt erica made her a mixed CD for her birthday party and she pretty much can sing to every song. none of us are really sick of it yet (miracle).
* prefers the shower to the bath.
* loves the disney princesses, especially ariel, belle and relly (cinderella). oh and "white". help us.
* LOVES sledding, a lot.
* after her bath/shower every night, she does "bittaba". This is where she jumps up and down on her bed, either in just a diaper or just her birthday suit, yelling "bittaba" (i-have-no-idea)
* enjoys getting her hair brushed and put it ponytails. mama likes it too.
* is getting big. well, no, not really BIG. but I think she is, you know?!
* is stubborn, smart, persuasive, energetic, happy, demanding, adorable, clever, and hilarious, among other things.