Wednesday, September 10, 2008

more updates-- no news is filler news?

I got a pedicure, from the best intown of course. It might me difficult to read, but the pigglies say "# 15 MVP". I am DEFINITELY on the bandwagon for dustin pedroia (redsox 2nd baseman, AKA the little big man, "pedroia the destroy-a") to be this years MVP and am wearing it proudly on my dogs.

i'm convinced that things taste better when you grow them yourself--great for the carbon footprint too. i made a killer sauce with these guys shortly after they smiled for my camera.

could he be any cuter?


littlearch said...

I still say, Chester has the lonnnnnnnnnnnngest legs of any cat I've ever seen!

whitney, brooks said...

he says thank you

Willie said...

Great job on the tomatoes!
I think your navel is just fine. But if it bothers you, just wait a week or so and it looks to me like it will disappear completely. Anyway, everybody is a bit off-center, but its the other folks who can hide it better, not you and not me.
Love, Your Dad