Monday, February 23, 2009

Happy Monday 2/23/09

Some choppy updates and pictures with no common theme from your favorite maui maniacs. Enjoy.

We left off on valentines day eve at wandbnews. We had a great and fun as a family (with a little alliteration =).)

Naia on valentines DAY being a bundle of "Love" (yes i know im a nerd)

here is her nighttime valentine ensemble. those are hearts on her dress (we sortof needed an occassion). This was at our friends house for dinner.

i think i'm wiping off some drool here. i like her face in this one.

its so fun literally watching her learn things.

Did i mention we named the element. HER name is Ella. Naia marie was almost ella marie actually. we thought about that and thought ella, as in element, was cute. Plus, Brooks added, he likes mint (?). Anyway... Ella

shopping. dont worry-- i didnt buy these. although im starting to regret it...

don't know if you remember but i had a blog from when i was pregnant of the mantle. anyway i took a more recent picture of it. isn't it so much more fun now? naia surrounded by her cousins =).

Thats all for now. Right-O


littlearch said...

You made my day!!! Austin has that same dog and loves it!!

Mary Tess said...

Oh yes, the mini-Brooks nickname is becoming very hard to miss! She is ever more beautiful and her smile is off the charts. thanks for the new glimpses!

AM said...

Such a lovely smile warms right up! thanks for keeping the photos coming

pete said...

love her little head on your bod. jib-jab