Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Finally-- Brooks takes a video!!

or two or three....
excuse my nerdiness here please.

We do a lot of dancing in front of the mirror. but without the mirror, i lose little in the choreography... but you get the idea:

and this one... i dont know if i am always smiling like this, but it feels like it. she gives us LOTS of reasons to smile

and how about some stills...
look how fun she is. This is her response when i say (and i usually do say) "ready for an adventure?"

thank you for joining us on our walk in ...(drumroll and with deep voice)...
the h a u n t e d f o r e s t !!


Kristina said...

Her little head is so perfectly round. She is definitely going to score "cool" points in grade school when she tells kids where she was born. It sure does beat Waco, TX :-)

littlearch said...

That place can't be scary when you're with little Naia- your dad and I should have taken her along when we went!