Monday, December 21, 2009

snow days

We got our first real snow around here, and a good amount of it. enough to play in!! So thats exactly what we've been doing:

actually, i don't know if i'd call what chester did in the snow "playing". He was pensive and unsure, but gave it a good stare down, then went back inside (better than i thought)

just in the front yard

checking out this weird stuff

this is the typical "look" she's been giving us lately when we bundle her up. being encased in things isn't really her "thing" but i kept telling her we were about to do something really fun....
anyway this (above) would be the BEFORE pic

here's the "really fun" first time sledding thing

and this would be the AFTER shot. i'm calling this a success and am looking forward to our next downhill adventure

but much better then still pictures of this would be a video:

and because you know i like to let you guys have a chuckle:


erica said...

My Miami Girl Gone Wild!!!

erica said...

Not Erica's yo momma!