Now before you all tell me this is cruel, our girl LOVED it. not only did she not squirm or fight the outfit, she seemed to really enjoy the attention, you know cause we were laughing smiling and smothering her. The little ham (or pumpkin) was smiling right back. This is not that old, not for halloween, i mean. I missed halloween, and those of you that are loyal readers know that i was REALLY hoping to get her in a halloween costume. We did the next best thing and dressed her up for thanksgiving. Expect this getup to make a cameo NEXT halloween...i really hope she fits into it then, cause the way she's eating...yikes.
With grandma and a real pumpkin and fake pumpkin-looking cupcakes. You know i couldn't let a holiday go by without making some cupcakes that look like something else that no one wants to eat cause of all the weird stuff on them. Yes, i take requests.
It was a great grateful thankful thanksgiving. hope yours was too!
Love, Naia and her parents and her brother, chester
It's great to see your gratitude shining through and moving you to express it in such interesting ways. I'm grateful you didn't dress her in a monkey suit inside the pumpkin. She's getting so big - no doubt flourishing from the light of the smiles around her and of course all that good food. Thanks for posting again. Lots of love.
Chester. The sexiest pants in the family. Love that you include him. Mad me laugh out loud. Love the pictures and love you all.
Your dad and I are so grateful that we got to spend Naia's first Thanksgiving with all of you! She's the cutest pumpkin we've ever seen!
A word about fancy pants Chester. I have the funniest picture of him patiently waiting in the tub for his bath. Not really sure he's actually a cat.
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