Wednesday, June 17, 2009

This box: 10 cents. must go!!

Hey folks, its been a while...
we have been B U S Y around here. I am glad to report the fact that we are a great team... something we knew already but got tested this weekend with a three day garage sale production mixed in with some big strides in the moving department and of course some social activities. Its hectic and hard but so exciting and when you're overtired and losing your mind, slap happiness comes and thats always fun.

naia is so lucky to have such great friends =)

part of the fun of garage sales is finding "treasures"... here is mini brooks as mini mouse...

...and as eyeore (sp?)

tot riding on a slope made this extra exciting for mom and dad =)

and our weekend was filled with entertainment =)

1 comment:

littlearch said...

I am totally entertained by these two blogs! I love the Mini- Mouse-Mini-Brooks! It's a good "look".
Can't wait to play with Naia in MA. She will really enjoy meeting Mr. Bojangles!