Wednesday, January 28, 2009

We are a mess

photographically speaking. and there is no time in the day.... As soon as i organize this cluttered desktop, i'll tell, better even, show you what we've been up to.

here's a recent picture. I think i speak for naia when i say that we have HAD IT with the baseball off-season. (We're also getting wary, while we still love him, of Tek taking all this decision making time. it would make us feel better if he would just agree to the great deal, and only one, he's been offered. we would sleep better).

Also, today, Naia is 12 weeks old....too much to say about that, so i'll just say...that =).


littlearch said... her!!!!
What a sweet little smile :-)

pete said...

i agree with naia's t-shirt, god shes cute. who the hell is tek?