Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Brooks's Birthday (party)

Both of my boys have their birthday today! 07444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 (the one who likes to sit on the keyboard while you're using it--no, not brooks-- wanted to say hi and since its his birthday too, im not deleting his signature

this little get up only lasted a few seconds before her lunch was on it

the brooks cake

everyone seemed to enjoy eating pieces of him... maybe a little too much

entertaining is exhausting

i hear an angel waking up. must run =)


pete said...

happy birthday brooks

Mary Tess said...

Great party, fabulous cake. Especially the ears! Feels like I was just stopped by to give my gorgeous nephew a birthday hug. Wish that were the case, there would be a lot less snow as a bonus. Happy birthday Brooks and love to all of you.