In just our first day here in seattle, we've soaked up much of what we've been missing. These are simple everyday things to most of you. they were to us too until we didn't have them anymore. i'm sure that soon i'll take these conveniences, commodities, and prices (OMG!!) for granted again. But for now, its awesome! I'm not knocking Maui, but it is GOOD to be home...
and another thing. people are SO friendly, helpful, and genuinely nice around here. To quote a family friend, Mark Hardin, they really like us here!
Here are aome highlights of the day...
We took TWO, count 'em, two naps today. Of course we did have an overnight flight, and you know how comfortable those are, and landed at about 2 am our time. that and we're officially on vacation...
we found a pizza place where brooks could play.
and a little slice of heaven right next store in an ugly (in reality) and beautiful (to me) strip mall... this was right after i sang "God bless america" in the parking lot rather loudly. naia loved my singing. brooks was nice but i could tell he was happy when my song stopped.
some good old chicken fried steak. the hand is for scale. i couldn't finish it, but i came close.
this is the GPS. quite a weird and surprising feeling when i saw it... ad we're going to have to reprogram "home" =(
a bit of a sad part f the day. our number four man, chester, was put on his flight tonight. its better for ALL of us that he doesn't do the road trip part, but it was fun traveling as a complete family (this is in ella, who we got back this morning) and he was SO great. We're very lucky there is family waiting for him on the other end. Thanks guys!!
and speaking of someone else who is GREAT and AWESOME and the sweetest thing i've ever seen. she loves the excitement of all this, the hustle and bustle, the cushy hotel bed, and everything else. i think she somehow knows something cool is going on. she's been smiling and laughing even more than usual today, if thats possible.
in other words, its is going very very well and we are having big time fun!!
Way cool! Looks like you're in perfect shape for the travels. I'm so looking forward to having Chester arrive. Nice to him so comfy and part of the group nap. And Naia will be walking on her own when she arrives and you can tell her she learned to walk on the road and let her puzzle over that for a few years! Welcome home.
Loved this blog and LOVED you singing God Bless America in the Target parking lot. You may be happy to be back, but we are ecstatic that you are.
Love and safe travels to you!
or Robert Earl Keen, I'm Coming Home. Can't wait to see you all! LOVE YOU!
I just came home from work to find Chester waiting for me, curled up on the Crotty bench. All set up by Greg and Anne Marie. Send a photo to Brook's phone. We'll have some lovely one-on-one time until you arrive.
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