Thursday, November 13, 2008

getting settled

this is my new favorite picture, for today at least...

so much has happened in a week. Naia's 1 week birthday was YESTERDAY. i was actually a little sad. Heaven help me....
We have lots of pictures and lots of stories. i keep planning to sit here and write a blog to you all, catch you up, and TRY to explain this love affair we are experiencing. When I am on my way, quasi moto style to the office to do this, 20 things happen, and then its the next day. Forgive me. later i will have a clear 20 mental minutes ( ihope) and will try to use some words. until then, here is our little miracle.

me and the kids

or is this one the bodyguard? chester has been AMAZING with all this

naia's first bath

I wish she enjoyed it as much as i did

there are more pictures to come from naia's 1 week bday...i just havent had the chance to get them on the computer--i like to give you something to look forward to =).... tune in (tomorrow? week?)) for follow up.


Mary Tess said...

It's easy to see why you're so in love. Whitney and Naia look totally absorbed with each other. It is such a treat to get these glimpses into Naia's world. Probably Chester just thinks she's still going to grow fur and play with him. Love you all. Am looking forward to more pix and tales.

Kristina said...

i can't believe the color of that hair already!! she is so pretty. whit, you look great and so does miter sexy pants.